Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Immanuel, עִמָּנוּאֵלEmmanuel,         
(H6005 Strong's Number)
A close look at meanings of the letters of Immanuel utilizing both the Hebrew Alphabet and the Alphabet used in Abraham's time,  shows that the name Immanuel, which is often interpreted "God with us" has a wonderful significance for us.

The name speaks of the urging of the Strong Leader through mighty knowledge and insight (God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit) securing life.—The Strong Leader is Jesus Christ.

Christ came to earth for us through the mighty knowledge and insight of God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit and secured life for us, by dying for us at Calvary.  It was the greatest action of love that has ever been seen.

Not only is God with us, but He has secured life for us through His Son, Jesus!

All He asks is for us to believe in Him. John 1:12 says “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”

Now when you hear the name Immanuel, remember it speaks of why Christ came to earth.  He wants us to believe in Him, and when we do, truly God is with us.

©2012 Lewis Turner

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lessons on Praying for Children

Lessons on Prayer



Written and Compiled by Lewis and Sylvia Turner


Wheatland Ministries

Walkersville, Md

Revised 8-2016

The lessons are designed for use in:


Children’s Church

Sunday School


©Lewis T Turner 2012
INTROCUCTION to Children and Prayer

Welcome to the Children and Prayer Course.  A challenge was presented to me a few years ago—and the challenge was to find a way to explain the spiritual heart in a way that children could understand.

To many children and adults, the heart is a physical organ that pumps blood.  This concept is sometimes referred to as a  “concrete” concept of the heart.

Understanding the spiritual heart is different and this course is designed to offer a way to help teachers, parents, and ministers to be able to explain the spiritual heart.  It also explains what it means to invite Jesus into one’s spiritual heart. 

This course booklet contains written lessons and there are also a podcast for every lesson that is available.  Some of the podcasts are presented as if the podcast is being used to teach children.  This type of presentation should be an example of ‘one way’ the concept of the lesson can be taught.

The lessons and podcasts follow the course document that is titled:  the ‘Heart’ that explains the heart using the Hebrew word for heart, going back to the time of Abraham.  The meaning of the word for heart is derived from those Hebrew Letters and the Letters used in the time of Abraham. 

You may wonder why we went back to Hebrew in explaining the heart.  We attempted to get back to the oldest meaning of the word heart in ta Biblical context.  Meanings of words have changed over the years, and sometimes there has been so much change that the meaning today is not close to the original meaning.  Therefore—with that understanding—let’s move forward with the course lessons.

The lessons focus on being thankful—especially as it relates to a home, that Jesus Cares for us, What Jesus wants of us and how prayer helps, That Jesus is our Friend, and provides basic instruction on helping Children invite Jesus into their spiritual heart or spiritual house. 

As you work each lesson, take time to write your own reflection thoughts, and work through the activities recommended for each lesson to help teach children to pray.

It should take about 10-15 minutes to present each lesson, especially when the children interact, which is encouraged.

May the Lord bless you in leading children to the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.

For Teacher Training: 

  • Teacher Training is always recommended even though the podcast do present the course material simply.

  • In teacher training—it would be helpful to listen to each podcast and after each podcast, it is recommended that there be a discussion time let by a moderator. 

  • The course uses the meanings of the letters for the Hebrew word for heart to help children (and adults too) to learn about their spiritual heart.  The course booklet contains both the lessons and the document on the Hebrew word for heart.

  • Encourage prayer from the children.

  • Teach what it means to invite Jesus into their heart—you may want to use the term your Spiritual House.  Don’t be afraid to give and invitation—especially to the older children.

Table of Contents

Introduction……………………………………………………………        2

Lesson 1:  We Should Be Thankful………………………...        4

Lesson 2:  Jesus Cares About Us…………………………….        7

Lesson 3:  Our House, Our Spiritual House…………….       8

Lesson 4:  Prayer is Needed to Keep Us Clean…………     11

Lesson 5:  Jesus is Our Friend………………………………...     13

Supplemental Instruction:  Instructions for the Teacher ...    16

For Parents and Teachers…………………………………..    18

References………………………………………………………....    19

Supplemental Material: Hebrew Meaning of the

Word Heart……………………………………………………   20

Welcome to the Prayer for Children Course.  We will be covering teaching children how to pray and helping children to understand their spiritual heart.  We will also be showing ways we can pray for children.

Now starting with

Lesson 1

We Should Be Thankful

Matthew 6:9 (HCSB) (1)
 “Therefore, you should pray like this: Our Father in heaven, Your Name be honored as Holy.”

At the start of the Lord’s Prayer—we find the giving of reverence, or respect and honor; we honor and respect God when we praise Him.  Praise is a way to be thankful.   Did you know God loves praise?  He loves a thankful heart and He wants to hear our praises to Him—when we pray; when we sing; and when we work and play.

When we pray, and give God praise, we are praying to Our Father in Heaven, who is God.  God likes it when we call Him “Our Father”.  He listens to us because He loves us, and children are very special to Him; Psalm 22:3 Basic Bible in English
“But you are holy, O you who are seated among the praises of Israel”.

He is interested in us, especially, when we show Him when we are thankful and giving praise to God, each day.


God loves praise very much and Something else happens when we praise God.  PS 22:3 says:  God sits among the praises we give to Him.  HE IS WITH US!  God loves to be among us when we praise Him—where-ever you are, singing praises to God at church, or at home, at school, and at play.

Helping children learn to give thanks to God is very important. 

Take time to study the activities in this lesson and use them to help children express thanks to God.

I would like to make a note here about thankfulness and the article with the lesson “Hebrew Meaning of the Word Heart”  Part I of that article has a focus that may help in teaching children to be thankful. Part I

You may want to compare the picture of the letter ‘Bet/Beth’ (above) to the house where you live.  You may have more rooms in your house than in a tent—but, both represent “a home”.  The people who live with us, are usually family—or—loved ones who are close to us.  These people (loved ones) live close to us--inside of our house, where we live.  Jesus wants to live with you, too!

Most children should be able to give thanks for their family and home.

The next lesson will be covering that Jesus Cares about us.

Children learn the most when they see what they are being taught practiced by others.

·      Activity: What are we thankful for?  I thank God for:_________________

·      Suggestion:  Shouldn’t we be thankful for our home?—Note to teacher:  Introducing thankfulness for our home is a good way of introducing the concept of the concept of the heart.  See Part I in “Hebrew Meaning of the Word Heart”.

Here are some other examples:

1.    (for) loving me and calling me “special”.

2.    (for) my family (or loved ones).

3.    (for) Giving me a house (a place to live) with my family.

4.    (for) Giving me some friends; most of all, for Jesus, Who wants to be my Friend—Who loves me.

Song:  Praise Him! Praise Him!

            Praise Him, Praise Him, all ye little children,

            God is love, God is love.

            Praise Him, Praise Him, all ye little children,

            God is love, God is love.

Lesson 2

Jesus Cares About Us

Did you know that Jesus cares about us?

We all have things we worry about.  The Apostle Peter tells us that we should give those worries to God.

1 Peter 5:7 (NLT) (2) “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

God does care for us.  Still we have a tendency to worry. What does “worry” mean?  It is something that bothers you, a lot—and becomes a big problem, too difficult for you to solve by yourself.  Perhaps, you wish that you could get someone to help you, but you don’t know who you can tell and trust enough, who will not tell someone else.

Looking back to the verse we just quoted, I Peter 5:7, it tells us we can tell Jesus and give our worries to Him.  Jesus is someone you can trust:  Jesus cares for us—and loves all the children.  He will understand us and our problems.  He wants us to talk to Him about anything that concerns us; He will listen to us and He will help us, too.

Did you know that Jesus will help you? — Why not ask Him to help you?   PS 54:4 says God is my helper”. (KJV)

Lesson 3

Our House-our Spiritual House

You may want to compare the picture of the letter ‘Bet/Beth’ (above) to the house where you live.  You may have more rooms in your house than in a tent—but, both represent “a home”.  The people who live with us, are usually family—or—loved ones who are close to us.  These people (loved ones) live close to us--inside of our house, where we live.  Jesus wants to live with you, too!

Now let’s take a step further and look at a place where we may feel free to share.  Do you ever invite someone to come to your house?  Usually the person you ask to come to your house is a friend whom you trust and enjoy sharing a lot of items and concerns and worries with?  Have you ever thought that your body is like a house?  We each live inside of a house—called a “body”, which is where our spirit (or what makes us – ‘US’) lives.

God gave each one of us a body (which we can think of like a house); He put a special place inside us, called a ‘heart’, which is like an inner room of our body, where our spirit lives.  That room where what makes us, what makes us a unique special person—‘Us’ lives.  Let’s take an example that may help a child to understand this concept.  We also have a physical heart, inside us, too, which pumps the blood to our whole body; but now, we are talking about a spiritual-heart. That room where what makes us—‘Us’ lives.  Let’s look at an example that a child would understand.  As we grow, we often have worries that we want to tell to someone whom we can trust.  It may be a Dolly or a Teddy bear.  When we hold a Dolly (or a Teddy Bear, or even a pet) close to us, we are saying, “you are mine…; and, I am yours”.  When we invite Jesus into our spiritual heart, (the inner room of our body), we are asking Him to be a close and loving Friend, one whom we can tell about our worries, about and share about our problems, and also the good things.  To be able to do that is much like what we do when we hold our dolly or Teddy Bear, or pet—close to us, telling them personal things.  Having Jesus close to us is saying to Jesus, “I want you to be my Friend…and I want to be your friend, too.

Jesus cares about you and you can share with Him, when you invite Jesus to be with you.

2 Notes to the teacher

1.  This lesson ties into Part II of the “Hebrew Meaning of the Word Heart”.  (attached at the back of this book)

2.  As you share this training with children, an activity that may help them understand is to write a brief prayer asking Jesus to help.   Below are some examples.

Activities—write a short prayer:

·      Jesus, please help me to find someone to play with, today, who is kind and likes me.  Sometimes, no one wants to play with me, and that makes me feel “left out” and sad.  Help me not to worry.  Thank You, Jesus for understanding my needs.

·       Or—Jesus, my Mommy (or Daddy) has been very sick and I worry that something bad might happen to her (or him).  Please help my Mommy (or my Daddy) to get better, soon.  Thank You for being my good friend and caring for my family.

·      Or—Jesus, please help me do well in school.  I am worried how I will do on my test, today.  Please help me to remember the answers, to do well.  Thank You, Jesus.


Lesson 4

Prayer is Needed to Keep Us Clean

Welcome to the Children and Prayer Course, Lesson 3.  In the past two lessons we studied That we should be thankful and that Jesus cares for us.  We also learned that one of the letters in the Hebrew word for heart represented an inner chamber of a dwelling, tent, or house.  This letter Bet is shown below:

We have learned that we have a house, and periodically we need to clean the house, and whenever we go into a house, dust and dirt is carried in on our shoes, and periodically we need to clean the house and the inner room, which is where we live.  We do this through asking Jesus, through prayer, to help us, and He will.

Today’s lesson is focused that Prayer is needed to keep us clean.

The Bible says, we all have sinned (Rom 3:23)—What is sin?  When we do something wrong, we are sinning and it leaves bad stains- stains like those we get from grass or dirt that make our hands, shoes, and clothes dirty; That dirt gets carried into the house making it dirty.   When we do wrong, those stains from the sin hurt God; sin, which is doing something wrong, makes Him unhappy.  Sin can stop God from being able to help us. Psalms 66 verse 18 paraphrased says  “If I regard sin or wrong doing in my heart, the Lord will not hear me”.   It is important to tell God what we have done wrong and to ask Him to forgive us.  When Jesus forgives us, He makes us clean—inside our heart; and God can help us not to do the wrong things, again.  

Now let’s read 1 John 1:9 (GW) (3) “God is faithful and reliable. If we confess our sins, He forgives them and cleanses us from everything we've done wrong.

So—when you have done wrong, when you are naughty, ask Jesus for forgiveness, and to cleanse you, and help you make things right—so you can follow Him. 

When we invite Jesus to cleanse our heart, He will help clean your heart, because He loves you.  Jesus wants to be a part of your family too.   Jesus wants to be a very close friend to you—so you can say “I am Yours, and You, Jesus, are mine. That is what inviting Jesus into your heart is about.  Inviting Him to be a friend who will help you be clean, and make it possible to live with Him in heaven when you die. 

When he becomes part of your family, you also become part of God’s family.  God loves you very much, and wants to live close to you and for you to live close to Him.    Inviting Jesus into your heart is about being a part of God’s family who loves you very much.

In the next lesson we will learn that Jesus is our Friend.

Prayer activity.

Ask Jesus to help you to forgive others who have done bad things to you.  Maybe one of your classmates took something that was your’s.  Ask Jesus to help you not to be angry with (him or her).  Pray for that person and ask the Lord to help you to forgive them.

In the next lesson we will learn that Jesus is our Friend.

Activity:  Memorize I John 1:9 1 John 1:9 (GW) “God is faithful and reliable. If we confess our sins, he forgives them and cleanses us from everything we've done wrong.”

·      Note to teacher—This lesson ties into Part III of “Hebrew Meaning of the Word Heart”.

Lesson 5

Jesus is Our Friend

We have shared that we need to be thankful.  We learned that Jesus loves and cares for you.  We have learned that Jesus wants to help us be clean.  He wants to live with us in our inner house, which is our spiritual heart.

Today, we are learning that each day, we should talk with Jesus.  He is our Friend, someone who we can trust, and we need to learn how to talk to Jesus; to start, we talk to Him in the same way we talk to our own friends—about what is important to you.

Talking to God is actually what prayer is.  When we talk to Him, we call it ‘praying’.  Don’t be afraid to talk to Jesus; talk to Him like you would talk to others—your family and friends; your dollies and Teddy Bears; and pets.  Jesus wants you to talk (pray) to Him about what is important to you—about your thoughts and activities; about your problems and your happiness—anything you want to talk to Him about.  And when you pray, don’t forget to praise Him and give Him thanks!

         Did you know that Jesus calls us His friends?

John 15:14-15  “I have called you friends”(KJV)

We are very special friends of His; and He wants to be our Best Friend; He loves us and understands us better than anyone else.

We sing some songs like: 

·      “Jesus Loves All the Children”

·      “Jesus Loves the Little Children”

·      “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”—because Jesus is truly our Friend.

When we invite Jesus to come and live inside us—where He has made us ‘us’, called the heart—He wants to be your best Friend and Savior.  He wants to live with you and be a true Friend and a best Friend to you.  All He is waiting for you to do, is to invite Him into your heart, now by saying a simple prayer—like this.   “Lord Jesus, I invite you into my heart today and ask you to be my Friend and Savior.  Thank You, Jesus, for forgiving my sins and calling me Your Friend.  Amen.”

·      Note to Teacher—This lesson fits in with Part IV of “Hebrew Meaning of the Word Heart”.

Activity—Sing one of the above songs suggested in this lesson and memorize John 15:14-15 (above)


·      We shared that we need to be thankful.

·      We learned that Jesus cares for us and loves us.

·      We learned that Jesus wants in live in our inner house, our spiritual heart.

·      We learned that Jesus wants to help us be clean.

·      Prayer is talking with Jesus.  Each day we should talk with Jesus.  He is our friend, and we need to learn to talk with Him—a way to start is talk to Him much in the same way we talk to our own friends, about what is important to you.  Remember a friend is someone you can trust.

Prayers to consider: 

·      Jesus, You love me.  Thank You, for loving me.  I love You;  I love You because: ___________.

Examples:  1. (because) You love me and call me Your Friend.

                        2. (because) You listen to me whether I am happy or sad.

                        3. (because) You made me and care about           me.


·      Jesus, I get sad when a friend does something bad to me.  Please help me forgive him/her.  Please help me to love them like You do.  Please help me to be happy again.  Thank you, Jesus.

·      Jesus, today, I want to ask You to be my Friend.  I ask You (invite you) to forgive me for my sins-those things I have done wrong.  I want You to always be my Best Friend, and be close to me.  Today, I am inviting you to please come into my heart, my spiritual hear, my house.  Thank you, Jesus, for being my Savior and new Friend, today.

·      Dear Jesus, I have done wrong to______.  Please forgive me.  You said in the Bible, that if I confess my sin (tell you my sin), you would cleanse my heart from sin.  Thank you, Jesus, for forgiving me and making me clean again.  Please help me, not to sin.  Thank you, Jesus, for being my helper and Friend.

Supplemental Instruction

(Instructions For the Teacher)

These lessons have taught about the inner room in our being that we call the heart.  There are 2 letters in the Hebrew word for heart.  We have looked at one called Bet, now we now will be looking at the other letter which is the 1st letter of the Hebrew word for heart-

Lamed ל 

Or as represented in an early Alphabet, used in the time of Abraham, this letter was written looking like a shepherd's staff.


The meaning of the letter is:  Go toward, learn, teach, urge forward (1a). 

The symbol representing the letter, represents a shepherd staff which is used in shepherding, to pulling or drawing a sheep from danger, or to draw or urge a sheep to the shepherd.  One analogy to the meaning of this letter might be our English word invitation, where we invite or urge people to our house to that inner/inside room of our house where we bring friends

—or in a spiritual context—inviting the Lord Jesus to the inner room of our being—our heart.

Putting the meaning of the two letters together for the Hebrew word for Heart, לֵב, gives us a possible meaning of the word heart, which is: “the urging to the inner room of our house”. Rephrased in a way that might help us understand we have—the invitation to come to the inner room of our house.

Understanding that concept as we teach the meaning of the word heart, it should encourage us to give the invitation for a child or friend or associate or an acquaintance or a relative—for them to invite Jesus into the inner room of their heart.  Do not be afraid to give them that invitation.   The step of asking others to invite Jesus into their heart is a difficult step for many people.    Remember that when we do give the invitation, we are not alone because God’s Holy Spirit is with us to help us. He will take what you have shared, and invite and urge the other person to turn to Christ, using the invitation you have presented.  We just need to be faithful in teaching and sharing God’s Word. 

As we apply and teach these concepts of the heart, may the Lord Jesus, encourage us to help others to understand what it means to invite Jesus into their heart, and to give them opportunity to invite Jesus into their spiritual heart.  May God bless all who teach and apply this word about the heart.

For Parents and Teachers,

Through the use of this course, our children have learned the following about Jesus.  We have learned that He is our Friend and Helper; and to learn how to pray to Jesus each day.  Also, this week, in VBS, the children have learned 4 concepts of prayer:

1.  To be thankful and Praise God and the Lord Jesus

2.  Jesus cares about us.

3.  Jesus wants to live with us in our spiritual heart, our inner house.

4.  Jesus wants to help us be clean.

5.  Jesus is our friend, and we can talk to Him as a friend. 

When we invite Jesus into our spiritual heart, He becomes our friend and helper.


One more thought about these lessons—though this material is designed for teaching children, the concepts can help many “Grown-ups” too.  It is possible that many adults do not really understand their spiritual heart, and that Jesus wants to be our friend and care for us.  Perhaps the simplicity of these lessons will help them too. 


(1)Holman Christian Standard Bible online at Scripture taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible ® Copyright © 2003, 2002, 2000, 1999 by Holman Bible Publishers. All rights reserved.”

(2) “Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. See”

(3)“Scripture is taken from GOD’S WORD®. Copyright 1995 God’s Word to the Nations. Used by permission of Baker Publishing Group. All rights reserved.” (

Supplemental Material:

Hebrew Meaning of the Word Heart

Strong’s number H3820

Hebrew Word: ‏לֵב

Transliteration: lēb

לֵ  Lamed: to teach, learn, go toward—represents the desire or aspiration to learn from the Teacher.(1)

ב  Beth: household, house of the Lord.  An earlier form of the early Alphabet, this letter was written as:   --which represents a nomadic tent or house.  As a person enters the house, he will come into a room.  The room shown in the illustration of “Beth”, is an inner chamber  (house or a tent).  It is similar to rooms in a house where we retreat to live.(1)

Note:  In this training, we are focusing on helping to explain the heart to very young children, and working to keep things simple at their level.  This training focuses only on the letter ‘Beth’ in the Hebrew Word for heart. 

Part I

You may want to compare the picture of the letter ‘Bet/Beth’ (above) to the house where you live.  You may have more rooms in your house than in a tent—but, both represent “a home”.  The people who live with us, are usually family—or—loved ones who are close to us.  These people (loved ones) live close to us--inside of our house, where we live.  Jesus wants to live with you, too!

Part II

Your body is like a house.  We each live inside of a house—called a “body”, which is where our spirit (what makes us – US) lives.

God gave each one of us a body (a house); He put a special place inside us, called a ‘heart’, which is like an inner room of our body, where our spirit lives.  We have a physical heart, inside us, too, which pumps the blood to our whole body; but now, we are talking about a spiritual-heart.   For example, when we hold a dolly (or a Teddy Bear, or a pet) close to us, we are saying, “you are mine…; and , I am yours”.  When we invite Jesus into our spiritual heart, (the inner room of our body), we are asking Him to be a close and loving Friend, one whom we can tell about our worries , about our problems, and good things too.  It is much what we may do when we hold like holding our dolly or Teddy Bear, or pet—close to us, telling them personal things.  Having Jesus close to us is saying to Jesus, “I want you to be my Friend…and I want to be your friend, too. 

Part III

When we invite Jesus into our heart to be close to us, we will want to learn from Him and how to live for Him.  When you ask Him into your heart, He will become part of your life and, in addition to your own family at home, you will become part of God’s family, too.    You will meet many of God’s family at church, which is God’s House.  Jesus loves you very much and really wants to live inside your spiritual heart, so you can live close to Him and He can be a very close Friend to you—so you can say, “I am Yours” and “You are mine” to love.

Part IV

When Jesus comes into your heart, He will always be your Savior and Best Friend, and you will always live with Him, forever.

Jesus loves you very much and is waiting for you to invite Him into your life—He wants to come to your house and be invited into your heart, (inside your body—and be a part of your life); are you ready to ask Him to come into your heart, today?

Part V

Lamed ל 
In the time of Abraham, this letter looked like a shepherd's staff.

The meaning of the letter is:  Go toward, learn, teach, urge forward (1a).  The symbol represents a shepherd staff which is used in shepherding, to pulling or drawing  a sheep from danger, or to draw or urge a sheep to the shepherd.  One analogy to the meaning of this letter might be our English word invitation, where we invite or urge people to our house to that inner/inside room of our house where we bring friends—or in a spiritual context—inviting the Lord Jesus to the inner room of our being—our heart.

Putting the meaning of the two letters together for the Hebrew word for Heart, לֵב, gives us a possible meaning of the word heart, which is: “the urging to the inner room of our house”. Rephrased  in a way that might help us understand we have:—the invitation to come to the inner room of our house.

Understanding that concept as we teach the meaning of the word heart, that teaching should include giving the invitation for a child or friend or associate or an acquaintance or a relative—for  them to invite Jesus into the inner room of their heart.  Do not be afraid to give them that invitation.   The step of asking others to invite Jesus into their heart is a difficult step for many people.    Remember that when we do give the invitation, we are not alone because God’s Holy Spirit is with us to help us. He will take what you have shared, and invite and urge the other person to turn to Christ, using the invitation you have presented.  We just need to be faithful in teaching and sharing God’s Word. 

As we apply and teach these concepts of the heart, may the Lord Jesus, encourage us to help others to understand what it means to invite Jesus into their heart, and to give them opportunity to invite Jesus into their spiritual heart.  May God bless all who teach and apply this word about the heart.

Ref:  Meanings of Hebrew letters:  Ref: Yarah Ministries:

©2012 Lewis Turner
Cannot be reproduced without permission.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

When children are not following the Lord—What do we do?

Wheatland Ministries
PO Box 697
Walkersville, MD 21793

Written by Lewis Turner

When children are not following the Lord—What do we do?

There are a number of parents who have seen their children not follow the Lord.  They become discouraged and do not know what to do.  Yet their heart cry still cries that their children would follow the Lord Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

Many parents have shed tears for their children.  Did you know the Lord has seen those tears too? 
  • He actually saves them.  Ps 56:8 says “thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle:  are they not in thy book?” 
  • God hears and sees our cry.  It is precious to Him and in reality, those tears are like prayers.  Those tears come from the heart and God looks on the heart.  (See I Sam 16:7) 
  • Ps 145:19 says “He will fulfill the desire of them that fear Him:  “He will hear their cry.” 
  • God wants us to have hope that the situation is not hopeless.

God wants us to allow Him to be involved in our children’s lives.  As we obey Him, we will see Him work.  Consider the following Scriptures.  They can be used when you pray:

Is 41:9  I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away.

            Consider asking God to choose your child.

Deut 30:6  Paraphrased:  “When we obey, God will cleanse our hearts and our children’s hearts to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart.”

            Ask the Lord to help us obey His word daily, and as we do, that He will work in out children’s heart to love Him.

Ps 90:16  “let Thy work appear unto Thy servants and Thy Glory unto their children

            This is a promise that we should consider asking for the Lord to reveal Himself and His work to our children.

Is 44:3  “I will pour My Spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring.”

            This is a wonderful promise and we should ask for God’s Holy Spirit and Blessing for our children.

Prov 11:21b  “The seed of the righteous shall be delivered.”

            Again, this is another powerful promise to thank the Lord for as we obey the Lord--we can ask that our children be delivered.


Go ahead of us Lord.  Prepare the way and our hearts, so our desire can be fulfilled.  The desire that is given to us by you and your word.  We ask for the victory as you stated in I Cor 15:57.  “But thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory,”—the victory of our children following Jesus.  In Jesus Name, we pray this.

·         God is always looking for a way to give us a future and a hope.  See Jer 29:11.
·         He wants to hasten and perform His word.  See Jer 29:12. 
·         He wants us to call on Him to help.

Also, take time to seek out Godly mature prayer partners who will pray with you, and give Godly counsel.

Most of all, God cares about our children.  His word for our children is powerful and shows us what He wants for them.  Using God’s Promises for our children in prayer, follows the scriptural direction found in I John 5:14-15 which says:  “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:  And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

If you have not yet used scriptures in your prayers for your children, maybe it is time to consider including them in prayers for our children.  God will bless us when we do.

©2012 Lewis Turner