A Prayer Course is on Praying Together being offered on Pray!Network starting Feb 2012. You must be a member of the Pray!Network to participate. For an invite to join Pray!Network, please contact Lewis Turner at Prayer@Wheatlandministries.com, and mention the prayer course title: 'Praying Together Course' in your subject line.
The course can be found in the following group of Pray!Network titled: Praying Together Course
Praying Together Course---Abstract:
Praying Together is a course designed to help one to grow in prayer starting a personal level. Then the course encourages us to move into joining together with others in prayer. The course examines scriptures, and some of the issues involved in joining with others in prayer. In addition, the course provides training to parents helping them praying for and together with their children.
Lesson Plans
Introduction to Praying Together
Lesson 1 Class Purpose, Prayer
Basics, and Foundation
Lesson 2 Prayer, Tying into
God’s Purpose Using Keys
Found in the Scriptures to Help Us Pray
Lesson 3 What Does Prayer
Involve, and Why Can it Be
Lesson 4 Head Prayer? Or Heart
Lesson 5 Preparing Yourself for
a Prayer Partner
Lesson 6 Person Preparation
Before Prayer with a Prayer Partner
Lesson 7 Finding a Prayer
Lesson 8 Encouraging People to
Lesson 9 Developing
Relationships and Prayer
Lesson 10 Group Praying
Lesson 11 Group Praying Formats
Lesson 12 Attributes and Power
of a Praying Church
Lesson 13 Developing a Prayer
Culture in a Church
-End of Class Survey-
Recommended Reading:
Praying Together
by Stormie O’Martian/Jack Hayford, Harvest House Publishers
Praying With the
One You Love, Art Hunt, Multnomah Publishers, I