Thursday, July 19, 2012

Release of Blessing—Thoughts and Reflection

By Lewis Turner, Wheatland Ministries July 19, 2012

There are times when I sense the Lord prompting me to write an impression down, one that relates to Kingdom Principles.  I have received many requests for me to join someone’s network of ministry, but I have not seen them involved in others.  There is the age old cry—I need money for the ministry.  Yes my friend, money helps.  In my ministry, I need money too, but it seems that few invest in a prayer ministry.  I have found myself working to encourage others—and I could ask—who is encouraging me?  Perhaps others may feel this way and we could wallow in the mire of those questions –OR—we could take steps that would refocus our sights the way God would lead us to be able to continue to minister to others.

When faced with a monetary crisis, we often panic.  We know God is our provider.  We have seen God work, but we fall back when faced again with money issues—in—panic—whenever money issues come up.  Faith is substance, but when faced with lack, it seems that substance has flown away.  Is our faith in money, things, people, or God—the God we worship but cannot see?

Perhaps it is time to look at ourselves, our heart attitudes and our actions.  To start, have we invested in our Heavenly Bank Account?  It you took a look at you Heavenly Bank Account, what would it be like?

Consider these sources of deposit into your Heavenly Bank Account—Have you been making deposits—deposits that reflect your heart?

  • Have we invested in others with our time, encouragement, blessings, etc?
  • Have we blessed through prayer?
  • Have we planted seed?
  • Have we involved ourselves in helping—(that is cultivation of seed that has been planted)
  • Are we blessing others? On this question—I challenge all of you—to ask the Lord to also bless the ‘giver-the one giving tithes and offerings’ so they can freely give more and see the Gospel move forward unhindered by finances. –HOW many times do we bless the offering, but fail to bless the ‘giver-the one giving tithes and offerings’?  I see this happening so many times in churches and ministries when they receive tithes and offerings, that I have lost count.
  • Are we praying for success of others, their work, their dreams, and God’s calling for them?  Prayer can be a way of investing in others.  Unfortunately, we often do not really come alongside others in prayer with sustaining prayer for them.  Many of us pray in a crisis, which is good, but are we taking time for sustaining prayer for their ministry? 

Even if we recognize some areas that may need change in the above areas in our ministries, we need to be willing to understand that giving reflects our heart.  Let’s take a moment to examine how we interact with others in our ministry.  The questions are simple, and only you know the answer for your ministry.

  • Is it Jesus—others—then you?  This is how ‘JOY’ is spelt.

  • Or is it Jesus—your Ministry—then others? –especially when it comes to receiving $$ needed to keep the ministry going?  The latter spells ‘Jyo’.  Frankly I do not know what ‘Jyo’ is, but definitely it does not spell ‘Joy’. 

Now let’s look at examples where we find that release of provision came. Note that these prayer actions brought release of provision through the involvement of both blessing and thanksgiving: 

  • The release of blessing comes after blessing and thanksgiving—consider the Lord blessing the food that He used to feed the 5000.  See Matthew 14:16-20.

  • Look at praise and thanksgiving.  Praise and thanksgiving have been used of the Lord to fight our battles and bring victory.  Look at II Chronicles 20:17-23.

  • Also consider the Aaronic Blessing found in Numbers 6:23-27.

This might be time to reflect on the above and consider the following question:  ‘What would happen if we asked with other ministries in prayer of agreement with Thanksgiving and Blessing?’ Matthew 18:19.   –Thanksgiving and Blessing would make a significant difference in others.  Thanksgiving and Blessing are critical keys for us to use in helping others.

Now, looking back to the issue of shortfall addressed at the beginning, to some, they may think that all I have to do is give more of my income to the Lord to not have shortfall.  If that is the case, ask the question—does investment have to be money?  Peter did not have money, yet a person was made to walk.  That was a great blessing for that lame person—to be able to walk!!! Acts 3:6-9.  Investment may not always be in the form of money.  Investment in the manner of sowing seed can be in reaching out and helping another person or ministry by coming alongside of them.  So just giving more is not the answer.  Peter helped someone.  Helping is also an important key.

In Review—Shortfall is not the issue that we are really faced with, when money seems short.  The root of shortfall may actually come from not helping and blessing others and being thankful for what God has done. 

Perhaps we all should examine how we do business as churches and ministries.  As we wait on the Lord, we may find the Lord leading us to humble ourselves in prayer and to turn and seek ways for the Lord to help direct us, and yield to Him.  That help, will help us invest in others in a way that will bring God’s results.

A final thought:  II Corinthians 9:6-8 says He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.  And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.

I do want to offer a prayer for churches and ministries involved in advancing the Work that Jesus did for us on the Cross at Calvary:

Father, work in our hearts to reach out to others and encourage other ministries too.  May Your love grow in our hearts as we reach out to others.  I do ask that as we obey, that every need, financial or other, will be met completely. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.  Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. (Eph 3:20-21).  In Jesus’ Holy Name, we come to you Father. Amen.

©2012 Lewis Turner

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Seeking the Lord—Humbling Ourselves—and Praying for the Nation

A few years ago, the Lord had me involved in a prayer assignment, of a great magnitude.  Much prayer had already gone up over a major issue that affected us locally.  I was one of the principle prayer leaders and needed God’s wisdom on encouraging others how to pray.

I came to the point where I had to seek the Lord and ask Him what was on His Heart that would show me how to pray.  I did not get silence from the Lord. Soon the Lord led me to scripture and directed my thinking to pray in line with the principle found in the scripture that He led me to. 

In our Nation, we are faced today with a major crisis as a nation.  Many of us pray and then make up our minds in what seems to be a logical way.  Some are just upset with the choices in front of them that they do not know what to do. 

What all of us should be doing, is not to rely on ourselves, but to look at God’s Word, and ask Him for Wisdom  --(James 1:5).  When we have an impression or hear something --write it down.  Writing what we heard down—(Habakkuk 2:2), gives opportunity to check what we ‘heard’, with the Holy Scriptures.  If it agrees, then that may be how God may want us to pray and respond.  It is important that we take time to listen to what God says.

I encourage all to consider the above in praying for the upcoming elections.  Don’t think for a moment that the choices before us are the only choices—Let God lead us to what He wants. The Lord’s Prayer has a principle that can guide our praying—May Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  (Matthew 6:10).

Yes, it is a time to humble ourselves and pray and seek the Lord. (II Chronicles 7:14).

©2012 Lewis Turner