Showing God's Love
Showing God’s Love
John 12:32, John 14:9, I John 4:8
How can we lift the Love of Christ so high that others will be drawn to it?
We see scripture that if Christ is lifted up, He will draw all men to himself. Yet many are told “You” must go and evangelize. The first statement is what Christ tells us. The second statement is what man tells us. What man tells us may be following the old saying—if you want it done, do it yourself.
If we want Christ’s help, then how do we lift Christ up? Christ said, he who has seen me has seen the Father. John 14:9 I John 4:8 says God is love. Therefore if we have seen Christ we have seen love. Lifting up Christ would be to share God’s love with others.
Perhaps we should ask the Lord to help us show the love that really lifts Jesus us. Consider this prayer: Father, Help me to show your love to others, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
The above 'Prayer Minute' is an example of the many One Minute thoughts on prayer that Wheatland Ministries has written. Many of them can be found on, and now on -- search for 'LewisT777'.
The above 'Prayer Minute' is an example of the many One Minute thoughts on prayer that Wheatland Ministries has written. Many of them can be found on, and now on -- search for 'LewisT777'.