When children are not following the Lord—What do we do?
When children are not following the Lord—What do we do?
There are a number of parents who have seen their children not follow the Lord. They become discouraged and do not know what to do. Their heart cry is that their children follow the Lord Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
Many parents have shed tears for their children. Did you know the Lord has seen those tears too?
• He actually saves them. Ps 56:8 says “thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?”
• God hears and sees our cry. It is precious to Him and in reality, those tears are like prayers. Those tears come from the heart and God looks on the heart. (See I Sam 16:7)
• Ps 145:19 says “He will fulfill the desire of them that fear Him: “He will hear their cry.”
• God wants us to have hope that the situation is not hopeless.
God wants us to allow Him to be involved in our children’s lives and as we obey Him, we will see Him work. Consider the following Scriptures. They can be used when you pray:
Is 41:9 I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away.
Ask God to choose your child.
Deut 30:6 Paraphrased: “When we obey, God will cleanse our hearts and our children’s hearts to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart.”
Ask the Lord to help us obey His word daily.
Ps 90:16 “let Thy work appear unto Thy servants and Thy Glory unto their children
This is a promise and we should ask the Lord to reveal Himself to our children.
Is 44:3 “I will pour My Spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring.”
This is a promise and we should ask for it for our children.
Ps 102:28 “The children of Thy servants shall continue and their seed shall be established before thee.”
Give God Praise for this promise. Remember it refers to Thy servants. We need to obey the Lord in our lives.
Prov 11:21b “The seed of the righteous shall be delivered.”
Again, another powerful promise to thank the Lord for.
Go ahead of us Lord. Prepare the way and our hearts, so our desire can be fulfilled. The desire that is given to us by you and your word. Lord, you give us the victory as you stated in I Cor 15:57. “But thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory.” We ask for the victory of our children following Jesus. In Jesus Name, we pray this.
• God is always looking for a way to give us a future and a hope. See Jer 29:11.
• He wants to hasten and perform His word. See Jer 29:12.
• He wants us to call on Him to help.
Also, I would encourage seeking out prayer partners who will pray with you, and give Godly counsel.
©2005 Lewis Turner